Professional Experience in
Editing, Writing, Public Relations, and Management
(arranged by start date)
1955-59: As Chairman
of Artists and Lecturers Committee, Lycoming College, booked
five or six artistic events per year and handled all publicity
for those events.
1958-59: Part-time news-writing
for Grit newspaper, Williamsport, PA.
1962-73: As Advisor
to Keuka College literary magazine, Red Jacket, acted
as de facto managing editor, approving and proofreading
material and coordinating with printer. (Note: included pieces
were voted on and selected by the student editors in blind
1964-65: President,
Keuka College Chapter of AAUP.
1964-75: As member of
Field Period Committee, acted as traveling representative
of Keuka College in visiting job placements of students engaged
in off-campus work-study projects. Involved supervision of
students as well as PR visits.
1968-72: Member, Professional
Standards Committee, Keuka College. Interviewing candidates
for faculty and administrative positions.
1970-72: As member of
two-person Committee on Publications, Keuka College, developed
four types of brochures which advertised various aspects of
the college.
1975-76: As Coordinator
of Yates County Arts Council, contacted nonprofit organizations
for news of artistic events, and published that news in a
1977-79: Supervisor
of phone personnel, Great Republic Organization/Great Republic
Insurance Agency.
1979-80: Supervision
of typist and three other training-developers at U.S. Army
Transportation School.
1979-92: Writing and
editing technical training literature for U.S. Army (see "Federal
Government Experience," above).
1985-87: Helping manage
program by Army service schools to develop training for the
And More!
Gardner Is Agent & Literary Executor for Delbert R. Gardner.
Please note that (c) copyright
to all photographs on this page is owned by Adele Gardner
and/or the Gardner family. Photos were created by Adele Gardner
and/or are from her collection and that of the Gardner family.
Menu portraits created by Adele Gardner (left & center) and
Daniel Michael Hegarty Sr. (right). All rights reserved.
see Writing
(Nonfiction), Teaching,
and Honors
for additional editing & journalistic experience.
Ph.D. in English Literature
(emphasis: Victorian Literature), University of Rochester,
M.A. in English Literature
(emphasis: American Literature), Syracuse University, 1955.
A.B. in English Literature,
Syracuse University, 1953.
Additional Education
for Development of Training: Criterion-Referenced Instruction
Workshop, U.S. Army Transportation School, July 30-Aug. 17,
1979: 120 hours.
Honors and
Certificate of Achievement,
Fort Eustis, VA, 1982.
Exceptional Performance
Rating, Fort Knox, KY, 1984.
Exceptional Performance
Ratings (five), Fort Eustis, VA, 1987-92.
Sustained Superior Performance
Awards, Fort Eustis, VA, 1987, 1992.
Exceptional Performance
Rating, 1987, USATSC.
Sustained Superior Performance,
June 1986-June 1987, USATSC.
Federal Government
Civil Service Experience (chronological order)
1979-81: Writer-Editor
(GS-09), Army Transportation School, writing and editing training
for the U.S. Army Reserve Component (RC), Ft. Eustis, VA.
1981-82: Writer-Editor
(GS-09), Army Training Support Center, participating in management
of RC Special Configuration Project, Ft. Eustis, VA.
1982-85: Editor (GS-09),
Armor School, editing field manuals and developing educational
materials for the U.S. Army Reserves Training Literature Division,
Ft. Knox, KY.
1985-92: Writer-Editor/Training
Specialist (GS-11), Army Training Support Center (ATSC), overseeing
program RC Configuration Program at five Army service schools
to develop RC training. Developing technical training literature
at U.S. Army Transportation School, Ft. Eustis, Va.; overseeing
development of educational materials with the U.S. Army Training
Support Center, Ft. Eustis, VA.
Proficient in use of
Multimate word processing.
Excellent Dad :)
Also an exceptional
husband, grandfather, son, sibling, and all-around family
